Saturday, March 28, 2009

Innovation Matrix: Turn Blue Green

One Saturday I was watched Design on a Dime on HGTV.  The design team was challenged with providing the client with an eco-friendly design.  They built a nice modern sofa and stuffed the cushions with recycled denim and explained that recycled denim is also used in mattresses, car seats and pillows.  This got my wheels turning and peeked my intrest in recycling this resource.

So I started a search on Google "recycled denim". Number 1 on the list was which list different ways to reuse denim for instance creating a denim organizer, placemates and potholders.  They have awesome suggestions, but not nesseceraly what I was looking for.  So three pages later I find the link for JBM Fibers Inc.

JBM Fibers, Inc. is a manufacturer that converts raw material into products used in numerous applications such as automotive insulation, matresses and insulator pads. As I explored the site I began to wonder where does this company receive it's supply?  Could you imagine starting a used denim drive and contributing to the earth in this manner.  Not only would you be reducing waist, but you would also contribute to minimizing the use of pesticides used to grow cotton. 

Just a Green thought for this Red Economy!


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