Saturday, June 27, 2009

The X- Factor

I'm starting to see more and more the way variables impact the outcomes in our lives.  There are always two outcomes but the variables are what not only determine the outcome but influences the journey. 

Prime example, I decided to work on my daughter sleeping through the night this week.  She's sticks to her schedule and usually fall to sleep around 8:00 p.m.  However, she wakes up by habit around 3:00 a.m. snack for a minute and then is back to sleep within 15 minutes.

Well the possible outcomes for this decision is either she sleeps through the night or does not.  So Sunday night I put her to bed at 8:30 p.m. and like clockwork she started crying around 3:30 a.m.  She cried off and on for an hour so I gave in, got up and fed her.  After her snack she went right back to sleep.  Monday, the same thing happened, but after 30 minutes the crying stopped "We're making progress", I thought.  Tuesday, 15 minutes and crying stops, I'm really feeling good and am convinced that by Friday she will be sleeping through the night.

Unexpectantly, a variable changes and all that progress is thrown out the window.  The variable in this case is teething.  I cannot imagine what it is like but she has been pulling at her gums and extremely fussy since Wenesday.  Let's not even bring up how it has affected her sleep, affected my sleep, affected my husbands sleep.  But I can tell you that I was spoiled by 6 months of a predictable sleep pattern.  So my husband and I will continue to try to get her to sleep through the night while keeping her comfortable through this growth process.

However, I have been thinking, what if I decided to change her pattern a week earlier or a week later ?  What would the outcome have been?  Would there have been another variable to prolong the process?  We make decisions every minute of our lives but I find it facinating to examine the variables that impact the outcomes.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't Stop Till You Get Enough!

Yesterday after 6:00pm est was extremely interesting for me.  I finished watching The Game on BET, next up 106 and Park.  Within the first few seconds I knew something was wrong because the livest audience was silent and the host Terrance and Rocsi had a look of devistation.  They made the announcement and I immediately turned to CNN and MSNBC.  After that I hit Facebook and Twitter on my laptop and boy was there a buzz {I heard this morining that Facebook's traffic was double it's normal capacity and Twitter was triple}.

As the night progressed and the devistating news hit the airwaves I flipped from BET to MTV for the musical tributes because I could'nt stomach mainstream media's continued allegations and speculation.  I was enraged by this entertainment show (name not worth mentioning) because they had a grim picture posted and horrible commercial, for lack of better non-explicit phrase...they suck!  At any rate as much as I desired to be in New York at the Apollo Theater, I know I was in the right place; at home with my 7 month old daughter passing on the importace of this moment through music and osmosis...and I think she got it (she watched the entire "Beat It" video and that's a rarity, if it's not Baby Einstein it does'nt keep her attention).  I can't wait to share with her the impact that this GIANT had on our culture. He was beyond talented!

Lessons learned:  Live your life, it's yours. Excuses are like exits on the highway, if you get off on every one you won't make it to your destination (thanks Grady).  Don't stop till you get enough!  Of what you may ask, and I say everything; love, desires, dreams, ambitions, relationships dispite all obstagles keep thriving because your future is yours for the taking.

Rest in Peace Michael Joseph Jackson Your Legacy will Echo throughout Eternity!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So for the last few months I have been on a qwest , pursuing my passion for community development and planning. I know you are thinking I must be crazy to try to make a career change in the midst of this economic turmoil but it is time for a change. I have been on all the major sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, VisualCV and Facebook networking and meeting great individuals but falling short of the goal. I have reached out to indiviuals in positions in which I know I can learn from to volunteer and lend my expertise in exchange for marketable experience and I continue to do that to this day. So while I continue my search I look to barter my skillls in exchange for marketable experience in the arena of community development.

Current Skills include but are not limited to: Coalition Building, Proposal Writing, Youth Development, Market (Demographic) Research and Data Analysis

Experience to Acquire: Managing Federal Funds, Assessing Housing Market and Real Estate Trends, Program Development and Implementation

To find out more about this opportunity or to dialogue about this idea please leave a comment. Looking forward to the exchange!