Friday, January 2, 2009

Is it the Wrong Time to Start a Business?

I think not, for a few reasons. Let's see:

1) We make more calculated risks that focus on the conservation of our resources.
Face it in this economy we are looking at our wallets more now than ever. When I had an online radio broadcast (a year ago), the primary reason I decided to discontinue the service is because I was paying for a good service, but did not receive the return on my end. Now that I think about it, it would have been more productive for me to start a social network (on a free platform such as Ning) and promote my show and play music that way until I established the following that would have been beneficial for the broadcast. If I was still interested in continuing the broadcast, this would be the strategy that I would implement... if I had more exposure to Web 2.0 when I launched the broadcast, I'm sure this cost efficient strategy would have paid off in the long run. No money out of the pocket until there were subscriptions in the "bank".

2) We are more strategic with our partnerships and alliances, focused on productivity and efficiency.
I was watching a web broadcast on You-Tube (unfortunately I don't remember who posted it) which was on transitioning your business to survive economic hardships. The first thing that was stated was "trim the fat". Look at your current contacts and partners and stay in contact with the ones that are always productive. "Don't focus a lot of your time trying to create business with contacts who have not performed for you in the past", because time is also a resource that needs to be used adequately.

3) We conduct more research which provides essential data needed to streamline our services.
I Google and search Wikipedia for everything. When I need more detailed information and feedback I start discussions in various groups in various networks and I'm not the only one. I constantly meet entrepreneurs who are constantly looking for information which will streamline their cost and innovate their products and services.

4) Potential clients are more focused on increasing their utility for a nominal fee, so services that they entrusted with more established company's may be outsourced to a startup if the startup can prove that they can provide the service effectively and efficiently.
Enough said.

5) Web, Internet, Social Networking, Blogging, Micro-Blogging...Need I Say More!
We're in the realm of free publishing and face it the web is the new face of public relations. So if you establish a presence on multiple platforms you are extremely likely to connect with individuals and businesses who can use your services or products. So if your out there keep grinding. If you're not, what are you waiting for create your client base online!

So if you are considering starting a business and wondering if now is the time, I say yes! If not now then when. You have all you need, get rid of doubt and move forward!


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