Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Facebook Detox

"This is my confession", I'm a facebook-aholic.  Well I was until it became Big Brother.  I think it was Thursday when I noticed an annoying change to my feeds.  There were feeds that were hours and hours old and I promise for a minute I thought my account was suspended.  So I played around with it for a while and found that they seperated the feeds into two categories: live feeds and news feeds.  What I do not like about the new format is what I call the Big Brother effect, your live feeds track and update everything you do except emails and instant messages.  Clearly this makes stalking easy.  At anyrate, this change started my Facebook detox.  Yes, I still use it, but mostly for email and instant messaging.  I have conformed to the Twitter lifestyle and it only a matter of time before more of my friends make the move to Twitter.  Although I hear there is a way to revert to the original Facebook feeds, I have not been able to change my profile.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


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